Sesion 8: Improving the Faculty Facilities

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

These days, the Veterinary Faculty has been improved in several aspects, such as remodeling of the classroom, remodeling of the bathroom, a new hospital, and a place to sleep for the night shifts.
With all these new stuff, what things need to be improved?  In my opinion there are three places that need remodeling: the cafeteria, the area of the CEV and photocopies and the place where the lockers are. This three places need improvement because of their bad conditions and poor utilization of space.

I particularly think that the first thing that we need to do to improved this areas is make a plan to dispose better of the spaces. The locker area used to be a study classroom for students. I would buy new lockers, clean the spaces and bring down a few walls that belongs to the old private area to study, a space that no longer is used.
Even though the cafeteria has been improved the last years, it needs to grow in size, because it can ussually get crowdy, specially in winter. It also needs a system of air conditioning, to keep it fresh in summer and warm in winter.
The so called "cuchitril" area, it used to be a recreation room, but the students have no respect for this area and it doesn't get the best treatment, so it's always dirty an messy. This area only needs to be organized, with the recreation area well stablished and the resting area aswell.

In my opinion, this are improvements that doesn't need too much money to be done, so the thing would be to present a simple but well thought project to the authorities, and see what can be done about it.

1 comment:

Miss said...

These days, the Veterinary Faculty has been improved in several aspects, such as remodeling of the classroom, remodeling of the bathroom, a new hospital, and a place to sleep for the night shifts.
With all these new stuff, what things need to be improved? In my opinion there are three places that need remodeling: the cafeteria, the area of the CEV and photocopies and the place where the lockers are. This three places need improvement because of their bad conditions and poor utilization of space.

I particularly think that the first thing that we need to do to improved this areas is make a plan to dispose better of the spaces. The locker area used to be a study classroom for students. I would buy new lockers, clean the spaces and bring down a few walls that belongs to the old private area to study, a space that no longer is used.
Even though the cafeteria has been improved the last years, it needs to grow in size, because it can ussually get crowdy, specially in winter. It also needs a system of air conditioning, to keep it fresh in summer and warm in winter.
The so called "cuchitril" area, it used to be a recreation room, but the students have no respect for this area and it doesn't get the best treatment, so it's always dirty an messy. This area only needs to be organized, with the recreation area well stablished and the resting area aswell.

In my opinion, WF this are improvements that SVA doesn't need too much money to be done, so the thing would be to present a simple but well thought project to the authorities, and see what can be done about it.

well done! good points uh? I think the cafeteria needs a real change!

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