Sesion 4: Death penalty

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I have to say I'm not agree with death penalty. It's is not hard to explain why I'm against it, the hard thing is trying to find an appropriate punishment for those who has commited a serious crimes, but I'm just going to give my humble opinion.
I'm against death penalty for several reasons, the first one is that I think that none have the right to take somebody's life, no matter the crimes this person committed, none deserve death. I think a person should live to experience life and its consequences, no matter if they are good or bad, the important it's to learn from it. If someone committed a crime, he or she must live to learn from the mistakes, that's my policy. Even though they could be a potential risk to the society, altough they spend millions of dollars on keep the criminal captive, death penalty is not the solution to me.

There's countries where they apply death penalty. That's their policy, and I said before, that's not mine, because it has been demostrated that even if there exist severe penalties, the criminal will commit the crime anyway, and this is something that has been proven!

This is a difficult subject of discussion, and I know that my oppinion could change if a was involve as a victim in a serious crime, or that a close relative was involve, but that's my opinion today.

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