Sesion 9 Guardian Article: SAS parachute dogs of war into Taliban bases

Thursday, November 18, 2010

One of the biggest and silliest things of human kind are wars. The news that I would talk about tell us that no one  can escape from it, not even animals.
UK special forces in Afghanistan decided that it was really stupid to die while they try to spy the enemy, so they decided that they will send dogs instead of humans. Yes, the special forces are sending german shepherd in parachutes and with cameras attached to their heads to search talibans insurgents in strongholds. Eight of them have died in action so far. "but that would be eight SAS men" tell the source to the Times.
Of course, the people who is always there to defend animal rights stand up an expressed their outrage. But it's not the first time in history that human use dogs for war, or for stupids, suicidal things like this. In world war two the Russian military trained dogs with bombs strapped to their bodies. Of course, when the bomb detonated, killed the dog that was trained to get close to enemy tanks.
In my personal opinion, there can be no greater betrayal to man's best friend. The animals died because they serve and trust in their masters.

Here is the link for this tragical news

1 comment:

Miss said...

One of the biggest and silliest things of human kind are wars. The news that I would talk about tell us that no one can escape from it, not even animals.
UK special forces in Afghanistan decided that it was really stupid to die while they try to spy the enemy, so they decided that they will send dogs instead of humans. Yes, the special forces are sending german shepherd in parachutes and with cameras attached to their heads to search talibans insurgents in strongholds. Eight of them have died in action so far. "but that would be eight SAS men" tell the source to the Times.
Of course, the people who SVA is always there to defend animal rights stand up an expressed their outrage. But it's not the first time in history that human use dogs for war, or for stupids, suicidal things like this. In world war two the Russian military trained dogs with bombs strapped to their bodies. Of course, when the bomb detonated, killed the dog that was trained to get close to enemy tanks.
In my personal opinion, there can be no greater betrayal to man's best friend. The animals died because they serve and trust in their masters.

that's a terrible news! awful and terrible!

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