Session 10: Challenges in our discipline

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Our career, as many other career in Chile, faces difficulties precisely because we live in Chile, and this is a country that doesn't have the education with the things that are related to the veterinarian aspects, like, to not go further, the issues related to the responsible ownership.

But there's a lot more than that:

In technology: we usually know how to do things properly, and by that I mean, that we, as veterinarian, for example, know that the best way to do a proper diagnosis is by an antibiogram, if we want to know the exact bacteria that a pacient has. Or, if we want to operate a pacient with fracture, we first need to take x-ray, but in most of the cases we don't count with those kinds of tools, because a matter of money, and other  times, when a hospital do have those kinds of tools, the cost it's so high, that the owner can't pay, so it's difficult to do things properly, as it should be done.

In social matters: this topic, as I said before, it's one of the most important in our country and, in my opinion the one that needs to be work on it.
The social problems that our career have to face are mostly related to small animals, the way that vets use to refer to pets. It's true that in production of big animales, such as cows and horses there can be problem with the ignorance and irresponsability of the owners and it's not rare to find animales in the worst condition because of these. But still, is the pet area that causes the biggest problems to vets.

There's thousand of examples to start with just here in La Pintana, where people, luckly, feed their pets. They don't care about diseases, vaccinations, sterilization, and if they do, they don't have the money for it, wich results in an increased on animal population, both canine and feline, and increased in zoonotic diseases, and many other problems as we've seen on TV, as attacks from dogs to people, and the list goes on.

These are problems that can only be solved through education of the population

1 comment:

Miss said...

Our career, as many other career in Chile, faces difficulties precisely because we live in Chile, and this is a country that doesn't have the education with the things that are related to the veterinarian aspects, like, to not go further, the issues related to the responsible ownership.

But there's a lot more than that:

In technology: we usually know how to do things properly, and by that I mean, that we, as WF veterinarian, for example, know that the best way to do a proper diagnosis is by an antibiogram, if we want to know the exact bacteria that a pacient has. Or, if we want to operate a SP pacient with fracture, we first need to take x-ray, but in most of the cases we don't count with those kinds of tools, because a matter of money, and other times, when a hospital do have those kinds of tools, the cost it's so high, that the owner can't pay, so it's difficult to do things properly, as it should be done.

In social matters: this topic, as I said before, it's one of the most important in our country and, in my opinion the one that needs to be work on it.
The social problems that our career have to face are mostly related to small animals, the way that vets use to refer to pets. It's true that in production of big animales, such as cows and horses there can be problem with the ignorance and irresponsability of the owners and it's not rare to find animales in the worst condition because of these. But still, is the pet area that causes the biggest problems to vets.

There's thousand of examples to start with just here in La Pintana, where people, luckly, feed their pets. They don't care about diseases, vaccinations, sterilization, and if they do, they don't have the money for it, SP wich results in an increased on animal population, both canine and feline, and increased in zoonotic diseases, and many other problems as we've seen on TV, as attacks from dogs to people, and the list goes on.

These are problems that can only be solved through education of the population

good ideas as usual... how would you educate these people?

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