Sesion 3: Country I wold Like to Visit

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I actually dream of visitng three different countries that make my list of things that I must do before I die, but the country that I absolutly  dream to visit since I was a little girl is Russia. I’ve always admire the russian culture, I’m fascinated with the architecture, the music and the history of the country it self and I also have a thing for russian authors aswell. I really believe that Russia is a beautiful country in all the meannings of the word, even though there has been (and there's still are) political problems and inequality among the people
If I ever get the chance to go there I would not waste the oportunity and try to stay the longest that I could. I would love to study there, because Russia is a country full of culture and universities, where the education system is very different from ours and of course,  that would be an awesome experience to meet new people. I would love to work aswell, to have the experience of working in a foreign country, but more important, to maintain myself there and be able to visit different regions, because Russia is a big, big country and I wouldn't like to miss a thing of it.

1 comment:

Miss said...

I actually dream of visitng three different countries that make my list of things that I must do before I die, but the country that I absolutly dream to visit since I was a little girl is Russia. I’ve always WF admire the CAPS russian culture, I’m fascinated with the architecture, the music and the history of the country it self and I also have a thing for russian authors aswell. I really believe that Russia is a beautiful country in all the meannings of the word, even though there has been (and there's still are) political problems and inequality among the people
If I ever get the chance to go there I would not waste the oportunity and try to stay the longest that I could. I would love to study there, because Russia is a country full of culture and universities, where the education system is very different from ours and of course, that would be an awesome experience to meet new people. I would love to work aswell, to have the experience of working in a foreign country, but more important, to maintain myself there and be able to visit different regions, because Russia is a big, big country and I wouldn't like to miss a thing of it.

well done! very interesting place. what kind of things you can do there as a vet? who is your favourite writer? anyway, good lukl with it!

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